суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

casting chicago oconnor

my nails have grown to almost half and half...NOW itapos;s getting hard to type a little. I usually like it to be in the 25 nail range for my optimal typing method (i usually type with my nails-ish)...i just get lazy to cut my nails though...i donapos;t have time...well, i can make time, i just rather make time to post about how long my nails are growing than to actually cut them...

i know, my priorities are bad.

airport screeners security, casting chicago oconnor, casting chicago extras movie, casting chicago extraordinary, casting chicago extra.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

doing unto others

Iapos;ve been put to shame twice already by Darda in terms of posts this week, and my sister PMed me at work to ask where the hell my LA post was on my journal (she didnapos;t say hell, sheapos;s much too nice for crassness), so I figure that I should finally get on that. ...Even thought Iapos;m a week late and the timing now seems horribly skewed.

Anyway California

...seems pretty rad. Thereapos;s something about being IN America that gives off a totally different feel than being in Canada, and I canapos;t quite put my finger on it. Itapos;s maybe the lack of French everywhere. And the letter U. And everything is spelled ER instead of RE. What is up with that.

Getting to the convention centre the first morning was pretty cool, even if it was at an obscenely early hour. Itapos;s a nice building, and weird in that it was pretty much exactly what I was expecting it to feel like. Plus there was a lot of random RP conversation and people were all keyed up and fiddling with loot.

In terms of the convention itself, I remain pretty spoiler free I didnapos;t play ANY games the entire time I was there, and with the exception of one lore spoiler, the only other ones I ran into were game mechanics based. The panels were awesome, I didnapos;t fall over inexplicably or walk into any doors or say anything TOO stupid, which was something of a surprise, and all in all the first day was pretty great after getting over some of the intimidation factor.

The second day, besides various panels and taking ridiculous pictures with Darda and Ephe, I tried to charm the ladies at the recruitment booth. The guy behind me in line was a mechanical engineer and the guy in front was some kind of crazy rocket scientist (almost literally), so it was something to listen to them. I bet the rest were Nobel prize winners and PhDs, goddamn.

I kind of felt a little hack when I finally got up there (especially because I forgot my portfolio page with ALL of my isometric architectural icons from the past year and the rest of the work didnapos;t turn out very well in print), and she gave me the very optimistic and diplomatic version of, "Youapos;re not really what weapos;re looking for here, but thanks for coming out". I know this angle pretty well because Iapos;ve given it to a couple of applicants this past year. Coupled with the fact that there were these GIANT banners of this amazing art all over the place, well... That stuff is a confidence killer if I ever saw one. Art slumps tend to be a gradual thing, but this time was like being smacked in the head with one.

So I was half trying to wrap it up with the recruitment gal, half trying to slink away into the darkness when Pimp Thrall was suddenly RIGHT next to me, and hitting on the Blizzard woman like it was going out of style. It was like summoning a life-sized BA. Only made of green rubber and foam, not rage and metal. I shouldapos;ve hugged him. Bet he totally wouldnapos;t think that was creepy.

I was pretty low the morning after it wrapped up (due to the lack of TBers and I misplaced those stupid Diablo mints somewhere in the room) and not feeling particularly Disney-like, but that was until we got to the iHop and found it was FILLED with people in Blizzcon shirts, talking really loudly about Stuff, so it was like the whole con had just moved across the street and set up shop with the pancakes. Itapos;s a little weird to realise that hey yeah, people do play this game in a way that isnapos;t based around RP, so itapos;s always cool to see what non-RPers are interested in.

Disney was much more fun than I thought it would even be, and Iapos;ll sort through Dardaapos;s pictures tomorrow to see what she has. More Blizzcon folks were everywhere Also, tiny girls in pastel princess dresses. What a bizarre mix.

All in all, despite the Great Ticket Battle of apos;08, the airport headaches and various and sundry other small things, I would so do that shit again. We probably canapos;t, due to work contracts and the like, but still. STILL.

com whirlpool, doing unto others, doing unstuck, doing u, doing two things at once.

cattle magnets

This is still very tentative. But I have a plan. Iapos;m so excited about it, but Iapos;m trying not to tell the entire world about it because by this point Iapos;ll be so disappointed if it doesnapos;t happen. And you know I usually donapos;t allow myself to get too excited about much of anything. I just had this idea a couple of days ago, but Iapos;m already in the process of setting it in motion and seeing if I can really do this. It involves me graduating a little early. December 2009, 2 terms earlier than I should. It just seems stupid to pay tuition for five terms when the number of credits I have left to take can easily be put in to three terms. I took a termapos;s worth of AP credits in high school and Iapos;ve been taking the max amount of credits every term since Iapos;ve been here. Seems to me that all of this work should pay off in a big way. So hereapos;s the plan. What if I moved back home after I graduated? Iapos;d no longer be paying thousands of dollars in tuition, rent, food, ect. I could get a job, hopefully at a lawyerapos;s office or something. I should be all applied to law schools by then. Iapos;ll work all winter and hopefully get accepted to one of the graduate schools (Fordam or Cardozo) I want to go to. Then, in late April/early May, I backpack through Europe. See, because the original plan was for me to study abroad in London spring term of this year. But then Iapos;d have to stay the entire time that Iapos;m supposed to and graduate June 2010. It would be a lot more expensive than going myself and I wouldnapos;t get to see much of Europe since Iapos;d have to be back in London on Monday for class (not to mention homework, tests, etc.). Iapos;m already working on an itinerary. Iapos;m thinking fly into London, then off to Amsterdam, Paris, Rome, Venice, and then fly out of Athens. All in about a month. The biggest issue is probably going to be convincing my parents that I can do this by myself. Not the smartest idea perhaps, I know, but I think it would be really good for me. To do this myself. Thereapos;s only one person I would want with me (if anybody), and thatapos;s impossible for several reasons. I really want to do this. What other time will I get the chance? After that itapos;s back to school, then internships, tests, and work. I need to do this NOW. While Iapos;m young and donapos;t mind staying in a hostel or wearing the same clothes several days in a row. PLUS, in the long run, Iapos;ll be spending less money than I was planning on. Not to mention hopefully making money when Iapos;m not abroad. Then when I get back I can figure out where Iapos;m going to live for school and prepare for that. I really hope I can make this happen.

On a slightly different note, is it bad that the first person I shared this idea with (other than my Dad) is the ex? And that I have yet to tell the current bf, despite having seen him last night? The thing is, I knew the ex would be excited for me. Perhaps thatapos;s due to his inability to think things through properly, but itapos;s nice to have that support nonetheless. The current guy... Iapos;m not sure his reaction would be so positive. So I put it off. I donapos;t know. Heapos;s a boy. And Iapos;ve forced him to grow up a bit, but heapos;s still got a ways to go. Oddly enough, I feel like this situation will turn out okay in the end. Donapos;t worry, I havenapos;t become an optimist. Iapos;m sure the road to the end of this wonapos;t be pretty.
cattle magnets, cattle magnet, cattle magazine new rustling yorker, cattle lowline miniature texas.

checking mails

I thought this was a neat fact about the medication I am on ((warfarin))

"Blood thinners" in humans
In 1939 a chemical called dicumarol was discovered in sweet clover, after it was noted that in cattle feeding on spoiled sweet clover silage developed bleeding problems. In 1948, a similar, but more potent synthetic compound, warfarin, was produced and introduced to the market as a poison for rodents (=rodenticide). Its name was derived from the original patent holder: Wisconsin-Alumni-Research-Foundation, plus the suffix "-arin" used for these types of chemical compounds. After a person uneventfully survived an attempted suicide in 1951 with massive dosages of warfarin intended for rodent control, it was discovered that Warfarin could be used as a blood thinner in humans.
checking mails, checking mailbox on mobile, checking mail server, checking mail linux.

coaster mail truck west

Well tress lik i must move with the closest to YOU my uprigt honesty AND direct wanting persn fuckability based on the visual lips DUCK inform dick tion . I highly desired to deliver to YOU a lot OF pleasant IN out motions which as YOU remember YOU wanted YOUR self AND made YOU want me with YOUR attractive selective REjective injective initiations. YOU are a clever girl IN this business so i supported AND filled up all YOUR HOLE places so if YOU

discs of tron marquee, coaster mail truck west, coaster make marble, coaster make model roller, coaster make online own roller.

certificate commodore gift restaurant

I am a little sad because I got to the assessment test and on one questions I went over the time limit and they transferred the question. Does that mean I failed the test? My boyfriend then signed up to try to do it and at one point he had the answer in the answer field and 2 sources but it kept saying "requires answer and at least one source" so I aborted it thinking that would be the best thing to do. Does that mean we failed AGAIN I think our answers were really good so Im sad our chances are done since it asked for our socials each time.
certificate commodore gift restaurant, certificate commodore oil stock, certificate common name, certificate common stock.

среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

condition road

Go to google.com and type in [your name] followed by each word to find a sentence about yourself. (Theoretically, it will most likely be about someone else, though, unless youapos;re a celebrity). : ) Putting it in quotes will help you get back a good sentence.

1. Needs:
Salom� needs Jesus.

2. Looks Like:
Salom� looks like she just came out of a Beverly Hills clothing store circa 1985

3. Says:
Salom� says the moon is cold and chaste

4. Wants:
Salom� wants John, but he wont let her have him.

5. Does:
Salom� does and gets the head

6. Hates:
Salom� hates it and calles it ldquo;Medusa hairrdquo;

7. Asks:
Salom� ldquo;Who are you, mister? You have climbed onto my couch and eaten from my tablehellip;rdquo;

8. Goes:
Salom� goes on to assert the differences between her and Nietzsche

Salom� likes to make sure her belly button is still attached at all times

10. Eats:
Salom� eats some grapefruit and the juice runs down her mouth

11. Wears:
Salom� wears transparent garments that allow for her naked body to be exposed to the viewer

12. Was arrested for:

[No results for "was arrested for," so I tried just "was arrested."] Salom� was arrested by operatives of CIDG, Criminal Investigation Detection Division (CIDD) and Philippine Overseas Employment Administration
condition road, condition rewrite, condition revelstoke snow, condition respiratory.

design to print and color

So, basically, this comm. Is going to be centralized around the plot bunnies that quadrupliply in my head almost daily. Of course, if anyone esle wants to add their own prompts and/or story ideas, feel free. No limits here, just a few basic ground rules that any and all comms work by.
This is my first created comm too, so be gentle, ya?

Rule No. 1- Be Nice
There was a guy we covered in my psychology class who believed that all human beings have some good in them. I like to believe that too. So Iapos;d like for anyone who joins to please not flame, descriminate or openly show aggression towards any others. If you have a problem with someone, please, contact me and Iapos;ll see what I can do.

All ideas are welcome here. This community is open to all fanmade and original works of fiction and art. Yes, that means that slash/yaoi/mm/boy love/shonen-ai or whatever you want to call it is allowed here, yuri too. And threesome works. I love threesome works.

But, as another guideline, anything above PG-13 (meaning more than just a little kissing/cuddling, for all you pwp writers) should be placed inder an LJ link. Please.

Rule No. 2-Donapos;t Plagiarize
Respect other peoplesapos; creativity and your own by not copying someone elseapos;s work.

Thatapos;s it for the rules, but there are some other things I need to cover too. But who knows how many people are still reading this, huh? (Thanks, to those of you who are, by the way)

Fiction Posts

Please include the following:
Prompt/story idea
Author Name

Artwork Posts

Please include:
Work Name (if it has one)
Arstist Name
What inspired it/Which prompt or idea inspired it

adriano goals clips, design to print and color, design to print, design to paint on plate, design to inspire.

adriano football shirt

Ye rulef:
* Grab the nearest book.
* Open the book to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
* Donapos;t dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.

Ye refult:
"apos;How about a game of Splong(TM), specially devised for the Mark Five,apos; pleaded the imp."

Ye fource:
Thud, by Terry Pratchett, which I have just recently begun reading.� Lovely book so far, largely based off of The DaVinci Code, and sadly not recommended for readers who are relatively new to Discworld, as much of the humor early on relies on knowledge about certain characters which should have been picked up from earlier Watch novels.

adriano football shirt, adriano footballer, adriano foto, adriano fotos.